Jumat, 10 November 2023

American Express Brighton Job Vacancies

American Express Brighton Job Vacancies

Amex House, popularly nicknamed The Wedding Cake, was the former European headquarters of American Express, a multinational financial services company. Its site is located in the Carlton Hill area of Brighton, part of the glish city of Brighton and Hove. The nine-floor building, designed by British architecture firm Gollins, Melvin, Ward & Partners, was commissioned by the company in 1977 to consolidate their operations in Brighton, which had be spread over several sites. The white and blue structure, a landmark on the city skyline, received both praise and criticism for its distinctive style.

Demolition work began in April 2016 after the completion of a new headquarters building on land owned by American Express adjact to the site.


In October 2017 demolition was completed and the site was sold to First Base and Patron Capital, a pan-European institutional investor focused on property backed investmts who proposed a vibrant new mixed-use developmt including new homes, workspace and importantly, new jobs to revive this area of Brighton.

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Brighton grew rapidly in the 18th and 19th cturies, prompted by its developmt into a fashionable seaside resort. New residtial areas were developed around the core of the old fishing village of Brighthelmston. Rich visitors and residts were housed in set-piece Regcy squares and terraces on the seafront, but the large number of poor people attracted to the town from across Sussex and beyond by the prospect of work lived in the smaller terraced streets of new suburbs on the surrounding hillsides.

One of these—and the most poverty-strick and dsely populated—was Carlton Hill, an area east of Old Steine and the Royal Pavilion and separated from the higher-class seafront developmt by Edward Street.

This road, leading east towards Kemp Town and Black Rock, was a major shopping area in the 19th and early 20th cturies, but the area declined after World War II and much of the northern side was cleared betwe the 1950s and the 1970s. Road widing took up some of the released land, but large areas were still available for redevelopmt in the 1960s and 1970s.

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American Express had a longstanding presce in Brighton and elsewhere in Sussex, and in 1968 they moved their Mechanical Accounting division on to one site—an office building (previously owned by another company) on Edward Street.

As the firm's European operations grew, it sought a larger, purpose-built office in which to base its European headquarters. Land betwe the north side of Edward Street and Carlton Hill's main road (also called Carlton Hill) was available, and American Express acquired it and proposed the construction of a new office block as part of a major redevelopmt scheme for the area.


By 2010, American Express was the largest private-sector employer in the city of Brighton and Hove: about 3, 000 people worked in the 300, 000-square-foot (28, 000 m

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) Amex House building. The company was estimated to gerate £300 million per year to the city's economy—about 7% of its total value.

In the early 21st ctury, the company considered moving its operations away from Brighton; but in September 2008 it announced plans for a new headquarters building on land behind Amex House, which would evtually replace the 1970s building. The company bought the freehold of the land from Brighton and Hove City Council in May 2009; various conditions were attached, such as a requiremt for American Express to stay in Brighton for the long term.


With further conditions attached—in particular, American Express would have to give the neighbouring Carlton Hill Primary School £300, 000 to compsate for the negative effect the new building would have on its playground, which would be overlooked.

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The sloping site means that the building has nine storeys on one side but only five on the opposite side, and there is basemt space in addition.

Work to remove internal fittings began in late April 2016, and at the same time hoardings were erected around the exterior in preparation for demolition over the summer of 2016. The demolition concluded one year after that. The demolition contractors were Syd Bishop & Sons Ltd.


The future of the old Amex House site had not be confirmed at the time demolition work started, nor a year later in summer 2017 wh the work was largely complete. The Brighton and Hove City Plan proposes 220, 000 square feet (20, 000 m

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) of offices, restaurants, gre spaces and some housing, with no building to exceed sev storeys in height. The name Edward Street Quarter has be giv to the site.

Its clean lines of contrasting blue-tinted glass and white GRP gave the building an emphatic horizontality which was made less harsh by the substantial chamfering of each corner and the set-back top storey.


It was instead described as a much more successful addition to Edward Street than its contemporary neighbours, which include the law courts and Brighton's main police station,

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Local conservation group The Regcy Society criticised its demolition, describing it as arguably Brighton's best postwar building ... [offering] a splash of style in Edward Street's jumble of mediocrity.

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